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  • #2058
    Rimoun Adel

    Thank you for using Premium Addons for Elementor and for joining us here 🙂
    We are keen to provide the best experience for PA users and thats why we created this forum and also created users Facebook Group and you can choose whatever channel you like to join the conversation.

    Quick links you may need:

    Premium Addons for Elementor Plugin Official Website:

    Plugin Users Facebook Group

    This post will be always updated with the latest essential PA information so keep checking it.


    I’m trying to use your Premium Progress Bar. It works just fine in edit mode, but when I access the page per normal the bar doesn’t show any show any progress (ie the color portion of the bar doesn’t display).

    This is keeping me from publishing the page. Any ideas?

    Thanks for any help you can provide.



    Firstly great plug in! Bought today and having fun.

    Is it possible to add a search to your forum. I don’t want to ask questions that have already been answered but don’t want to scroll through 38 pages of posts either.



    Hi Adam,

    Hope you’re having a great day!

    Thanks so much for your kind we greatly appreciate that 🙂

    You can actually search through all the topics on the forums from here. Here’s a screenshot for more clarification.



    Is the latest version of Premium Addons for Elementor compatible with WordPress 5.6.1? The description says unknown and I don’t want to break my live site. Should I just wait until you guys confirm? Let me know.

    Thanks in advance,


    Hi there,

    Premium Addons for Elementor is fully compatible with WP 5.6.1 as you can see on this screenshot. We would greatly appreciate if you could provide a screenshot from your end.


    liron sharony

    hey there
    well i am using the free and the pro pluigins on many of the websites i built
    but it the last few month i gat many errors from the free plugin and all my sites are down one by one untill i delete the free plugin
    but with that i lose all the design and the sections i created with it

    i really dont know what to do
    am i the only one how softer from that ?

    Nathalie henneghien

    Bonjour , non j’ai le meme probleme , impossible de modifier mes section avec un template et je n’ai pas de solution donc je prends toutes le informations possible


    Hi there,

    Hope you are having a great day 🙂

    We are sorry for the inconvenience you are having, I will do my best to help you get this resolved ASAP.

    Please don’t worry, we just need to update Premium Addons Free/PRO to the latest versions. We would be so glad to help you update the plugin, but in this case, please submit a ticket on our support system from here so we can check and update Premium Addons Free/PRO versions

    Please follow the steps below to update and get things back to work:

    1- Deactivate Premium Addons for Elementor before updating anything.

    2- Update Premium Addons PRO to v2.2.9

    3- Now, update Premium Addons for Elementor

    4- Reactivate Premium Addons for Elementor

    5- Make sure widgets & add-ons are enabled from Premium Addons for Elementor dashboard settings tab.

    Please note this happened only this time, because we literally rebuilt the whole plugin core for better performance and make things better. In the future, you will be able to update both versions normally from your Plugins tab.

    Sorry again for any inconvenience and hope you like the changes we made in Premium Addons to make Premium Addons even better and more powerful product. We will never change anything in our plugin that can affect your website or break layouts you previously built 🙂




    Premium Addons for Elementor is fully compatible with WP 5.6.1 as you can see on this screenshot. We would greatly appreciate if you could provide a screenshot from your end.


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