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  • #444853
    Logic Innovations

    Hi guys,

    I just love the carousel but although the mobile friendliness in elementor looks perfect, the text is shifted to the right and cuts of when viewed on mobile.  URL:  I tried to fix this with css but didn’t work.  Theme I am using is Astra.  Is there maybe a fix I didn’t think of? Looks like it is still inheriting the left margin of desktop view although it is reduced for mobile view.  Please help me 🙂

    Logic Innovations

    I rebuild the carousel by hiding the text on mobile and adding text with different margins which will only be visible on mobile.  A bit of a messy workaround but visually it works.  Would still like this to be addressed as I would love to use this in future.


    Hi there,

    So sorry for the inconvenience you had.

    We managed to fix this issue in this version of Premium Addons. Could you please upload it on your website and let me know if it fixed the responsive styling issue?



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